Hi and welcome to my review of the breathtaking Lock+ by @JunesiPhone.

Lock+ Logo

Now we all know June is well known for his Cydget’s like Futuristic and the incredible Lockbuilders, Last being Lockbuilder Evo, which I was part of testing and I’ve been lucky enough to be part of this one too and to see June start this from a different angle completely this time, with some help from @OmegaJak.

KeyLine Lock+ Theme
Top Themers Page

All previous Lockbuilders have had you building themes directly on your device, but this time June has gone in a totally different direction and moved the theme making to special creator page on the Internet which just makes it feel like you have a bit more freedom and sense of space to work on your next big lockscreen theme. What they’ve done here is not only change the way we make Lockscreen themes but they’ve also revolutionised it, I’ve seen very few tweaks take my breathe away but in all honesty this has blown me away.  Check out this video below to see what the Creator site side of Lock+ can do.

Now I’m not a designer in the slightest and have never thought of myself as having the knowledge or talent to make great Lockscreen themes but this is the great thing about Lock+ you don’t need to have great knowledge of designing as the Lock+ Creator is so easy to use and your theme can be made from any image you desire as long as it is obviously the right size. I am totally hooked on this and I am forever in trouble from the Mrs for spending too much messing around with themes. So I will say this now, don’t be put off by your lack of knowledge or even skill as the Lock+ Creator is so easy to use and also available is an option to pay a donation to have an editor account with Lock+ so you can pull your themes into the creator to edit them if you want to mix it up a bit, another great feature added into Lock+. 

Prism Lock+ Theme made by me.

So once you’ve installed Lock+ off either the Macciti repo or June’s super secret repo you will need to go into settings and go onto Cydget’s settings and deselect the other Cydget’s which are on by default and just select Lock+ and press respring, once that is done then make sure you follow the instructions on how to make the menu accessible to you (swiping left from far right of screen).
Now you’ll have a few choices, 1) Load Theme, 2) Reset Theme, 3) Refresh Weather, 4) Settings, 5) Download Theme and 6) View Themes.

Themes Menu
Theme Menu Other Page

To get yourself started I would recommend View Themes as then you can browse and see themes that are already made by other users like JunesiPhone, Jokerg7 and a few others (including myself) and see what you would like on your lockscreen, once you’ve chosen one just hit download and it will download and place on your device ready to rock and roll. If you’ve downloaded a few themes then to browse press Load Themes and swipe left or right to browse what you have downloaded and swipe up to load the desired theme.

Bula Lock+ Theme

So many possibilities with Lock+ it’s unreal, their is a lot of info and help available to all Lock+ users, the forum is a great place to get help and information you can click Lock+ Forum to take you straight to the forum. Why not check out the themes available for Lock+ by clicking Lock+ Themes and it will take you directly to the site which is growing at a substantial rate everyday I think to my knowledge their is over 2000 themes made by not only established Devs but also some absolute stunners made by Lock+ users but you can check that out for yourself, also available is Top Themers site, which is great if you’ve seen a Dev you like post his shots of his theme you can search his or her themes directly by clicking Top Themers link.

KamiLine Lock+ Theme by a user

So why should I buy Lock+ I hear you say, well here’s a simple answer, “Your Phone Should Reflect Your Style” and Lock+ allows you to do this with bells on. With Lock+ you are able to have full control of your iPhone, your not just limited to what elements are on the Creator Page no with Lock+ you can add all sorts of widgets and other great stuff, for all these extra things you can do you will find the relevant information on the forum.
Oxygen Lock+ Theme Made By Me

I’ve provided a video below to show you how to use the Phone side of things (Cydget) just so you have a head start when you purchase and download Lock+. Check it out, it’s in Cydia now for your enjoyment.

Lock+ Phone Demo Video.