Hi and welcome to my review of the Lock+ App by @junesiphone.

I’m not going to go into to much detail as the app does replicate the web based page that we have all grown to love. The one thing you will see is some UI changes, which separates itself away from the web page Lock+ creator site. This app is still in beta and its overall look could and probably will change as its tested and used by users who will ultimately let June know how they got on with it, plus June is a perfectionist so he is always mixing things up.
What I like about this is that if you find using the phone version a bit to hard on the eyes (aimed at us older folk lol) then you can use this on your iPad too. I’m not going into anymore detail as the app works just in the same manner as the site does yet it’s now handheld and you can make themes on the go. June has made this a public free beta and you can find it on his repo now.