Hi and welcome to my presentation of the stunning theme Elixir by @coccco28. 

If you’ve been around the Jailbreak community for a while then you will know the name of this Dev and you will of come across his themes previously, themes like Era, Cappuccino, Aragon and Arc just to name a few. Elixir is another great theme that has been ready to release for some time but as no Jailbreak was available he decided to hold back and that was a wise move in my opinion. 

Elixir Settings Icons
Elixir Settings Icons

When @coccco28 makes a theme he adds everything, not just icons but UI, widgets and even Vex themes and MagicDots too and Elixir is no exception. Already this theme has tons of UI like Tweetbot buttons and even WhatsApp chatkit and messages chatkit too and it’s only beta version number 4 it really is jam packed already in the early stages. 

Anemone UI
WhatsApp UI
I love his design style, it’s very unique and he never releases the same theme twice, they’re always new themes. With this theme he has managed to blend his usual style of icons with a flash of a new style that I’ve not seen him do before and it works really well together. 
Not only has he already done a large amount of icons he’s also done some alts for safari and other apps like mail and Cydia and come on we all love a choice of Alts. Don’t think that he is done with Elixir as he’s constantly adding things and he always updates all his themes, just wish more Devs did the same. 

Apple Apps
TweetBot UI
For the Widgets to work you’ll need WidgetWeather3, if you want a custom look ControlCenter you’ll need Vex tweak and to change page dots you’ll need MagicDots tweak too, WW3 and MagicDots tweaks are free in Cydia and do work on 9.3.3. If you want to gain access to Elixir you’ll need to contact @coccco28 on Twitter or head over to the ModMyI forum by clicking Here. Check out the screenshots for an idea of beautifully made Elixir is. 

Phone UI